T-Rek has never given a fuck. He has always done his own thing. He is an innovator, a creative mind, whos early dance records lay origin to the ‘Melbourne Sound’. A real musician, drummer, guitarist, singer, tweaker, hardware, software, producer and DJ. We are proud to present the next wave of T-Rek.
“Still Born Monsters is a song I’ve had kicking around in various states of production for several years. Some of the music in the track comes from a live onstage jam at Revolver Upstairs with the ’T-Rek & The Freakshow Disco Community Group’ live band line-up of 2008. It’s a long psychedelic/guitar/disco/drone/boogie kinda thing that moves through several different sections, and is one of my favorite songs that I have never gotten around to finishing and putting out. I haven’t released much in the way of club music for a couple of years, and have for a while now wanted this to be my next single, as it in equal parts references where I have been at musically in the past, but ties equally to where my current club music production is heading. It also strongly references two of my favourite producers of dance music, Moodyman and Queens of the Stone Age.” – T-Rek.